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Figure Skating

Figure Skating Information

Figure Skating is the best time to perfect your skating style. Come out on your own or arrange a private coaching session. 
Figure Skating sessions are for figure skaters in Basic 3 or higher, or adult figure skaters at any LTS/skating level. You must have your own skates. The cost per 1-hour session is $15. The Fuel Tank also offers a points system through which sessions can be purchased in advance. See the table below for a breakdown of the points packages and the savings associated with each package. Tank Points packages can be purchased at the front desk.

For more information, contact the Fuel Tank at Fishers at 317-849-9930.


Figure Skating Packages Bronze ($125) - 9 Sessions Silver ($250) - 20 Sessions Gold ($500) - 59 Sessions
Savings Saves $10 Saves $50 Saves $385